Some People!
Working in a retail store, a person encounters many kinds of people. I have encountered countless people and all fall into one of two categories, those who are aware and those who are not. Customers who are not aware can seem to be rude, obnoxious, and, most often, stupid. In this case, the woman was not only stupid, but also completely rude.
The day had been extremely busy, people were asking me questions left and right. I always knew people would ask questions that seemed ridiculous to me, but I could see how it could be a mistake. So, when it finally slowed down, I was tired of answering questions, so, I tried to stay at the register. Then, when an older woman came up to the register, I was ready to ring her out. While I was preparing to punch in the sku numbers she made the comment, "Boy, that's a great deal for ninety-nine cents!"
"It sure is," I said, thinking she was referring to the lid for the casserole dish she had. Then, I proceeded to ring her out. After, I rang up the casserole dish and the lid, I told her the total, " That will be six dollars and thirty-five cents."
"No, it's not!" she proclaimed
"All right, I'll check it again." So, I added the totals the computer said the items were. " Yes, it's six dollars and thirty-five cents."
"That's not what the sign says. It says that it's ninety-nine cents."
"Well, maam, are you sure?" I said this very politely. I knew the lid was ninety-nine cents and the base was around five dollars( both were an sale.)
"Right here it says, 'glass plus plastic lids ninety-nine cents.'" She said this in a very unappealing tone.
" No, maam. That says that the glass and plastic lids are on sale for a dollar." I said this a pleasantly as possible. Then Chad, the Third Key, started listening in.
"Yes, the glass and plastic lids are on sale for ninety-nine cents." She said glass and pointed furiously at the dish. By then I was next to her by the table with all of the casserole dishes and lids on it.
"Maam, this is the glass lid that is on sale for ninety-nine cents, along with the plastic lid that you have on the counter." I did this as sweetly as I could. By now, I was frustrated. Then the woman looked to Chad who was behind the counter to see if I was wrong.
"Well, that sign is deceiving. I don't want it then." Then she stormed out of the store.
Chad looked at me while he almost whispered to me, "What was that? Was that lady just stupid or what?"
"I don't know. Now I have to void out this entire sale."
"Here, let me," Chad said. Then he began to type in the reason we had to void the sale.
The rest of the night went well, although I kept thinking about how anyone could be so bull headed and not want to see anything any other way. It amazed me to the point I found myself laughing at the idea of a casserole dish and a lid for the price of ninety nine cents.
Now, as I look back, I know that the lady was either completely oblivious to the fact that our store was a retail store (compared to a garage sale), just trying to get something for nothing, or just completely unaware of the fact she was wrong. So, the next time an unaware person is in the area, be as polite as possible and laugh at the ridiculous things he or she tries to get away with.
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